Throughout the month of May, MJ Quinn’s Mechanical, Electrical and Building Team supported Liverpool City Council with a number of celebrations by lighting up iconic Liverpool landmarks, St Luke’s Church and Bascule Bridge. Our team created a programme to allow state-of-the art LED lighting systems to shine in colours and patterns to reflect each individual celebration.
VE Day
Friday 8th May marked the 75th anniversary of VE Day, a day which celebrates the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War 2 of Nazi German’s unconditional surrender, marking the end for the war in Europe.
MJ Quinn’s MEB Team supported Liverpool City Councils celebrations by programming LED lighting to shine Red, White and Blue.
On behalf of MJ Quinn we remember the great sacrifice of our Armed Forces and wish wish you a happy VE day.
International Nurses Day
Tuesday 12th May marked International Nurses Day. The MEB Team at MJ Quinn supported the ‘Shine A Light’ celebrations by programming our LED lighting to shine bright blue.
On behalf of all at MJ Quinn thank you to our nurses and caregivers, not just for your work during this difficult time but for all you do.
LightNight At Home
LightNight is Liverpool’s free one-night arts festival, shining a spotlight on the city and celebrating our world class cultural offer. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the festival was not able to go ahead as planning so on Friday 15th May, Liverpool celebrated LightNight at Home. To support the celebrations our MEB used out programming system to shine rainbow lights across St Luke’s Church and Bascule Bridge.
On behalf of MJ Quinn we hope you enjoyed a fantastic LightNight at Home.