MJ Quinn's January Round-Up: Nurturing Sustainability, Learning, and Giving Back

In January, MJ Quinn focused on environmental responsibility, employee development, and community engagement:

  1. Environmental Talk: Jamie Thomson, MJ Quinn’s Lead Environment Sustainability Advisor, led a talk for apprentices on various environmental topics, emphasising individual contributions to sustainability.
  2. Leadership Training: The team prioritised personal and career development with training sessions, thanks to James Perryman from The Hub Events. This aligns with the 2024 strategy for continuous growth.
  3. Inclusive Workspaces: HR and Recruitment representatives attended an event on adapting to the evolving work landscape, fostering leadership styles that promote inclusivity and mental health support.
  4. Charity Drive: MJ Quinn conducted a charity drive, raising £300 for Woodlands Hospice, showcasing their commitment to community welfare.

As January ends, MJ Quinn remains committed to a sustainable and socially responsible future.