MJ Quinn understands the importance of transitioning to a circular economy by using resources for as long as possible, extracting maximum value from them, keeping waste to a minimum, and promoting resource efficiency. Our waste strategy provides a framework to rank waste management options according to what is best for the environment giving top priority to preventing waste in the first place. Once waste is created, priority is given to re-use, then recycling, then recovery, and finally disposal.
We generated a total of 1343 tonnes of waste for the period 2021-2023, giving an annual average of 450 tonnes. 65% of this was non-recyclable, so in line with circular thinking it was sent to energy recovery facilities to generate energy to power UK homes and organisations like ours.
Continuous improvement is at the heart of our environmental management and identifying opportunities for improvement of material resource management is part of this. Our Lead E&S Advisor works closely with clients, procurement, and facilities management to further embed the principles of sustainable waste management. Examples of such improvements include the reduction of plastic packaging, additional segregation for cable recycling, and office bin stations for dry mixed recycling. These and other waste management initiatives such as changing destinations for certain waste streams have resulted in a 7% improvement in landfill diversion bringing waste generated during our operations to 91% diverted from landfill, and a 3% increase in recycling rate.
In 2024/25 we plan to:
• Increase recycling rate by 5%
• Drive landfill diversion to 95%
• Further develop employee awareness to improve recycling and reuse performance.
• Undertake a full waste audit to identify other improvement opportunities.