Openreach run the UK’s digital network and within that manage the interconnection between the access network (homes, schools, shops etc.) and the various communications providers (CP). One way they achieve this is via co-mingling facilities, which provide a Point of Presence (PoP) within a shared but secure operating environment for any CP who requires it.
The flexible co-mingling product (FCP) is, as the name suggests, a flexible and customisable suite of products introduced to better support the varied PoP requirements of the CPs. It provides the connection point for AC electricity supplies, provision for AC-DC conversion along with UPS/battery backup if required, optical fibre and copper network connection points, along with equipment racks, or spaces for equipment racks, as needed. The DC power product is also required to be at least 95% efficient, which is an improvement from the 90% efficiency of the previous solution.
Openreach defined this product specification in its entirety, and source it via multiple equipment vendors to introduce resilience into their supply chain.
Working with multiple equipment vendors the Telecoms Power division of MJ Quinn have trained, equipped, and deployed numerous I&C teams in support of FCP installation, where each vendor is required to supply a completed PoP to Openreach within 3 weeks of receipt of confirmed order.
Since 2012, MJ Quinn has installed more than 5000 PoPs under the FCP deployment, as well as migrating AC & DC loads from older non-FCP equipment to new FCP equipment on a 1-1 consolidation basis, at more than 1000 locations, and a 1-many consolidation basis, at 49 locations.
Due to multi-vendor licensing of the deployed teams, MJ Quinn has the ability to flex the number of active teams within the deployment and to move those teams geographically in order to meet demand peaks. With accurate forecasting of demand, these teams can be flexed to support regional and national deployment requirements.
All works reference standardised builds so rates are fixed in the majority of cases simplifying budget forecasts. Sites surveys are carried out by local resource within Openreach to confirm works aligned with the builds and any non-standard elements are highlighted during the planning stage for early resolution.
MJ Quinn assess and train all engineers prior to deployment on the works. Each Team includes a certified electrician who is up-skilled onto the project using a combination of product and practical installation training within M.J. Quinn training facility in Knowsley.
At MJ Quinn we believe new projects should be undertaken with great amount of consideration, planning and research.